Thursday 26 April 2012

icarly spencers blog

See, a week ago I got this awesome gift in the mail. It was a Man Bag! I don't know who sent it to me, cause I threw away the box it came in. I guess it's a mystery I'll never solve. But I LOVE my new bag! You can store all kinds of stuff in it. Now, I can bring everything I need for my daily adventures everywhere I go! Man, I don't know what I did before this! You wanna know what's in my Man Bag??? Awesome, huh?! Um... Spencer, this is Carly... that is not a Man Bag. That is actually MY PURSE! I bought it online and had it shipped here a week ago. I thought it got lost in the mail! Give it back! What do you think of this blog? click to comment Find out MORE of what Gibby DOESN'T know! I'm SOOOOOOO tired. Click here to read why.

icarly freddies blog

I am SOOOOO tired! You're not gonna believe this story! EVERYONE knows the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year AND it's the day I've been anticipating for MONTHS!!! This morning at 8 AM, the new Galaxy Wars video game went on sale. So last night, I grabbed my Nug Nug costume, my Galaxy Wars sleeping bag, my favorite light stick, 3 bottles of water, two granola bars, and my two-way radio and headed over to Blessed Buy. I secured my position in line as number 52, which I was sure would be fine -- the store told me they'd have 55 copies. I called them 142 times to make sure. Anyway, I stayed up all night and just when they were about to open the door, the cops showed up and escorted Sam -- of all people -- straight into the store. Then... a Blessed Buy employee came out and said ALL of the copies of Galaxy Wars were GONE! SAM BOUGHT THEM ALL! Turns out Sam's mom is dating one of the cops (she met him when she was in jail on Thanksgiving). So, Sam put ALL but one copy of Galaxy Wars on Splashface for sale... She said I could have the last one, but I'd have to camp outside her house all night! Ugh, I just can't win with her! Oh, just to show what a HUGE Galaxy Wars fan I am, here's a pic of me when I was younger dressed to go to the Galaxy Wars Convention

icarly carlys blog

What Gibby Doesn't Know, Part 2! 1. Gibby thinks the NORTH Pole is SOUTH of us. 2. Gibby is pretty sure that "mesquite" barbecue sauce is made out of mosquitos. 3. Gibby thinks all ladybugs are female. If that were true Gibby -- how do ladybugs have baby bugs?? 4. Last week, Gibby literally asked me, "Where can I get extra long pantses?" He thinks "pantses" is plural for "pants." 5. Gibby once asked what corn was made out of. My reply: "Corn, Gibby. Corn is made out of corn." 6. Gibby thinks mice are responsible for making all the holes in Swiss cheese. 7. Gibby wants to live in England because he thinks everyone there is required to go to "Wizard School" for at least one year. 8. He thinks the European Union is just a clothing company. 9. He says time travel is REAL, it's just very expensive -- like going to space. 10. Gibby thinks cavities are contagious -- that's why he refuses to kiss Tasha until she goes to the dentist. And there you have it. 10 reasons why Gibby would make the worst game show contestant ever! (BTW, Sam holds the trophy for world's laziest blogger.)

icarly sams blog

What Gibby Doesn't Know, Part 1: 1. That there is still a REAL Queen of England. He thinks they just let really old people be prom queens over there. 2. That Carly's dad doesn't live with her and Spencer. He said he swears that he had breakfast with Col. Shay last Wednesday. They had omelets. 3. That fish do not need to be bathed in the kitchen sink. Or that they're super slippery -- Poor "Mr. Gill" fell down the drain and now lives in the Seattle sewer system. 4. Here's a brilliant one: Gibby doesn't think that dinosaurs, in his words, "actually happened." He thinks they were invented by Hollywood 'cuz they make action movies and cartoons good. 5. Gibby's also never heard of Daylight Savings Time. Now we know why Gibby is ALWAYS an hour late for half of the year. 6. Gibby thinks that if you "buy" a star, it should be delivered to your house. When we told him all you get is a certificate saying you own it, he said, "That's a giant rip-off." 7. He thinks that bicycles on the side of the road are free. Kinda like "Take a penny, leave a penny," except he never leaves a bike in return. Gibby can be stingy. 8. When asked what was the capital of the state of New York, Gibby said, "New Jersey."

Sunday 22 April 2012


icarly is my favorite TV show my fave person in it is Sam she is my fave celebrity too.Her name in real is JennetteMcCurdy but i like Miranda Cosgrove too.She plays carly in icarly.Nathan Kress is good in real life as well.I want to watch the i toe fatcakes one but its not on in england yet.I love the one when one Directions on it i like the one when Nora traps then too.I love all the icarly episodes they are all great.


MovieStarPlanet is the best website in the world. My user name is: JennetteMcCurdy+SelenaGomez. My Bff is called princess20015199 and my boonie is called cupcake V.I.B. My favourite moviestar is Diavanille and ShawRe. I have gave 20 autos and i have got 13. I have gave 17 gifts and i have got 44. But i only have 12 VIP friends and I have got 61 friends. I am on level 3 anyone so i can only have 60 but the 1 is my bff.