Thursday, 26 April 2012

icarly freddies blog

I am SOOOOO tired! You're not gonna believe this story! EVERYONE knows the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year AND it's the day I've been anticipating for MONTHS!!! This morning at 8 AM, the new Galaxy Wars video game went on sale. So last night, I grabbed my Nug Nug costume, my Galaxy Wars sleeping bag, my favorite light stick, 3 bottles of water, two granola bars, and my two-way radio and headed over to Blessed Buy. I secured my position in line as number 52, which I was sure would be fine -- the store told me they'd have 55 copies. I called them 142 times to make sure. Anyway, I stayed up all night and just when they were about to open the door, the cops showed up and escorted Sam -- of all people -- straight into the store. Then... a Blessed Buy employee came out and said ALL of the copies of Galaxy Wars were GONE! SAM BOUGHT THEM ALL! Turns out Sam's mom is dating one of the cops (she met him when she was in jail on Thanksgiving). So, Sam put ALL but one copy of Galaxy Wars on Splashface for sale... She said I could have the last one, but I'd have to camp outside her house all night! Ugh, I just can't win with her! Oh, just to show what a HUGE Galaxy Wars fan I am, here's a pic of me when I was younger dressed to go to the Galaxy Wars Convention

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