Thursday 26 April 2012

icarly carlys blog

What Gibby Doesn't Know, Part 2! 1. Gibby thinks the NORTH Pole is SOUTH of us. 2. Gibby is pretty sure that "mesquite" barbecue sauce is made out of mosquitos. 3. Gibby thinks all ladybugs are female. If that were true Gibby -- how do ladybugs have baby bugs?? 4. Last week, Gibby literally asked me, "Where can I get extra long pantses?" He thinks "pantses" is plural for "pants." 5. Gibby once asked what corn was made out of. My reply: "Corn, Gibby. Corn is made out of corn." 6. Gibby thinks mice are responsible for making all the holes in Swiss cheese. 7. Gibby wants to live in England because he thinks everyone there is required to go to "Wizard School" for at least one year. 8. He thinks the European Union is just a clothing company. 9. He says time travel is REAL, it's just very expensive -- like going to space. 10. Gibby thinks cavities are contagious -- that's why he refuses to kiss Tasha until she goes to the dentist. And there you have it. 10 reasons why Gibby would make the worst game show contestant ever! (BTW, Sam holds the trophy for world's laziest blogger.)

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